Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Moving Students

Sometimes it becomes necessary to move a student. A number of things could cause this i.e.: job loss, job transfer, personality clash between the student and someone in the family are just a few.

When there are family conflicts we first address the problem and try to find ways to resolve it. Most of the time it is just a miscommunication and the placement continues to be successful but sometimes it can't be resolved and for the happiness of everyone involved the student is found a new host family.

We do our best to try and foresee possible issues before placing but sometimes they are unavoidable.

Most often it happens at the halfway point in the stay. It is at that point when the "honeymoon" is over and sometimes true colors are revealed. Unfortunately I did need to move 2 students because of circumstances beyond their control. But no matter the reasons it is ALWAYS difficult....