FAQ - Students

Will I fit in with my host family?  I spend hours, sometimes days and weeks in searching for the perfect match of student to family.   I can tell you that you will be happy with your family if you choose to be.  If unknown issues do arise I will be there 100% to fix it!

What if my family is Mormon?  Coming to Utah there is a pretty good chance they will be. I suggest reading up on their religion to better know what kind of people Mormons are. www.lds.org  is a great resource for that.  In all actuality Mormons are wonderful people. As within all religions or any groups of people, you have some that are not as great as others. I can guarantee that I have fully screened all my host families and have found them to be the best.

Will they force me to go to church or join their religion? It is a CETUSA rule that the host family can in no way force ANY religion on their exchange student. It is always the students choice. I do however always suggest to my students to go a couple times to meet those they will go to school with or live near so they can make friends outside of a school/classroom setting. Also any family time that is centered on their religion, no matter what religion, is a good way to bond with your host family.

What if I don't get along with someone in my host family?  The key to a happy placement and family is communication.  Make sure you have tried everything you can to communicate in a positive way with the family member you are having issues with. If it is a host sibling talk with your host parents. Maybe they will have a suggestion that has worked for them. If all that still isn't working make me aware and I will help resolve it. If a resolution still is not found, as a last resort I will find a new host family.  - I have only had to do that once.

Should I bring my host family gifts?  Your host family will NOT be expecting gifts but I think it is a wonderful thing to bring them something from your culture besides you of course.

How should I pack?  Pack light and with purpose. You will have an opportunity to purchase winter clothing here. PLEASE leave yours home. It takes up space and weight in your suitcase that could be used for other important things. Please also leave your years worth of hair and body care products.  I am sure you will find something in the US you will like. Besides they are also heavy and if they explode in your suitcases....not fun.

I have never been on an airplane to another country, what will happen?  Most flights will move your bags for you to your new planes as you change flights.  If you have ANY questions about your bags or where you need to go for your next flight ask a flight attendant or anyone at the airline counters at the various gates inside the airport. They will be happy to help you.

How will I understand my classes/teachers?  First make sure your teachers know you are an exchange student. They will be more willing to offer extra time answering questions for you. If you are finding the class hard to follow but it is a class you MUST take I suggest getting a recorder so you can listen to the teacher later. Also many teachers have a website where you can get any handouts, notes, ect... that were used in class.

Is there a dress code at my school?  Most schools do not require uniforms BUT they do require dressing modestly. So (girls) be aware of how short your dresses, skirts and shorts are, no spaghetti straps or no straps on your tops unless there is a shirt underneath, no stomach showing. Boys no underwear hanging out of your pants - pants must be worn where they were intended.  Some schools do not allow flip flops.

What classes can I take?  You will have 8 classes to fill. You MUST take English and US History. Some of your schools back home will require you to take a math and a science class while you are here. Other than that you can take anything you want.You should have been given your USA school information. If not let me know and I will get it to you. Most schools have a link that shows all the classes you have to choose from.

Will I be a Sophomore, Junior or Senior? Grade/class assignment is done by birth age, however it doesn't really matter what grade you are in because many of the classes are open to all 3 grades. So they will be all mixed.

Can I get a drivers license?  Most of the school districts in Utah have stopped allowing exchange students take the drivers ed course due to insurance issues. You can however hire a private instructor.  The negative to that is you are NOT allowed to drive any other car than the instruction car with the instructor while on program so you will not get the driving hours needed to obtain a license.

How will I make friends?  Utah is a diverse state and the schools are very large, especially the areas I place in.  Most of the students will not know you are an exchange student. You will need to be the one to tell people who you are. Its ok if the person you meet on the first day of school doesn't turn out to be your best friend. You will continue to meet people and find those you have have things in common with. Just make sure you are making an effort to meet people!

Can my friends from back home visit me?  I allow my students to have friends come under these conditions -
a. the visit happens AFTER Christmas break.
b. the visit is short (2 weeks is WAY too long)
c. you have made a HUGE effort in making American friends and have many.
d. your host family has said yes
If your friend is here in the US the same conditions apply except they must have permission from their organization and host family told to me.

If you have any other questions post them here and I will add them to the list and answer them.

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