Friday, January 25, 2013

Education for Africa!!!

CETUSA is proud to be working with Explorius who has partnered with AiDucatius.

AiDucatius is involved in providing formal education to children in Ghana and Tanzania.

For each student from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland a child from Ghana or Tanzania will receive an education.

Please join us in this effort!

Monday, January 14, 2013

First Time for Everything!

For the first time since I became a coordinator I will be working with a semester student!  I am SOOOO thrilled!!!  Karen from Germany will be joining the Pedersen Family.  What makes this so wonderful is the Pedersens had chosen a student to come for the fall and due to limited space at Jordan SD they got bumped from having their student.

I am so excited that they will get to have Karen. It was meant to be!

Welcome Karen!